A Few Benefits of Yoga

A Few Benefits of Yoga
I'm feeling so much better about myself after incorporating yoga into my morning routine.  I wake up make everyone breakfast, then the hubby leaves for work.  I allow my son to go play a game or have some tv time and I go do yoga by myself.  Not only is it a little “me” time, but I end up feeling energized, more relaxed, and more happy.  My son seems to feel happier to have some of his “me” time as well.  Then we start our homeschooling tasks...which seem to go so much smoother now.

Here's a few benefits of yoga:

1. Helps your Body's Natural Healing Process

When you give your body the right things, it will allow your body to heal itself. With yoga comes mindfulness, which can also have an excellent effect on your immune system and increases your body's ability to restore your health. You can achieve more mobility and function which helps your body to recover from physical injury.

2. Improve your Posture and Joint Health

Yoga is all about strengthening and stretching your body. I found it has helped me loosen tight muscles and strengthen my weak areas. Posture can get worse because of age or our reoccurring movements we do everyday. For instance you might notice you slouch more when you sit at a computer desk all day. Some of your muscles can become weak and others become tight to compensate. It has also made me more aware of my posture and that I self-correct myself throughout the day now. Moving your joints in a full range of motion improves the flow of synovial fluid (joint lubrication) of your joints; so they move more smoothly. This also gives the joint cartilage more oxygen and nutrients. Over time you'll see that you are more flexible as well.

3. Reduce Stressed and Improve Mental Health

Most people continue to do yoga because it makes them feel better. They have more focus on being more centered and on breathing. When you focus on your breathing it can help calm your mind and body. Yoga can give you relaxation, reduce tension, while moving your body more...all of which will make you feel better and happier. You'll feel refreshed both mentally and physically. It can also help ease stress, anxiety and depression. When you have better mental health it will lead to improved sleep and overall well being.

If you enjoyed this...I know you'll enjoy the guide I created about reducing stress! 
Go grab it yourself here!

How has yoga helped you?  I'd love to hear below!